Saturday, March 15, 2014

Assignment 18 - Card Dance Effect

In this assignment I had to first size and evenly place 12 images in Photoshop, and afterwards apply the "card dance" effect to the images using the After Effects program. This assignment was not as difficult as I thought it would be, but I have no idea why my images tremble the way they do. I know my classmate John had the same problem, but I don't think he figured it out either. Oh well. I'm just glad to be done.

Assignment 17 (HTML Video Game)

The assignment was to make a video game that is generated by HTML code. To do this I used a free program called Construct 2. The requirements were that we had to create all the graphics ourselvs from scratch.

When Brian first announced that we would be creating a game the only thing that I could think of was the hell I'd gone through using an awful program called Game Salad. Thankfully, Construct 2 was a lot more straight forward, and actually MAKES SENSE.That being said, I am never going to create a HTML game again (even though it wasn't too difficult this time). I feel that  making them is tedious, so they're not something that I enjoy creating.Unfortunately I can't upload the game to this blog (lame, I know), but feel free to check out its screen-cap below. My game is named "Kill the Cooties."

By the way here is a link to the tutorial I used to complete the assignment. I wouldn't have made it without this: Beginner's guide to Construct 2.

Kill The Cooties!

Monday, March 10, 2014

Assignment 16 - Playing Card Design

I had fun with this assignment. We had to create 4 card designs for a game that our instructor made up called "The Wall." For the assignment I had to create the following:
  • One Wall Section Card
  • One Reinforcement Card
  • One Damage Card
  • & One Card-Back Design

Generally I enjoyed this assignment, but  I did have a little difficulty when it came to coloring. I originally wanted to use gradients to color everything, but since my fox character was so complex effectively coloring with gradients became nearly impossible. So, instead, I used solid colors for the body, and just a few gradients here and there--only on the less complicated shapes.

Overall I am happy with how this turned out, and I am most proud of my fox-warrior character. I worked very hard on her (and also the rest of the cards). So, Check 'Em Out!!!!

Card-Back Design
Wall Section Design
Reinforcement Section Design
Damage Section Design

Assignment 15 - Website Using "WordPress"

On this assignment wee were instructed to create a website using a "Content Management System" such as "WordPress." A lot of the time WordPress is used for blogging, but the goal of this assignment was to make your page look and act like a regular website instead of a blog. The requirements were to have 4 individual working pages, and also your own custom header that you created. I used a picture of my sister, niece, and nephew for my header, because it complemented my theme nicely. I found this assignment to be quite simple--especially compared to creating a webpage from scratch. Career wise I could definitely see myself managing a site like this in the  near future.

If you want to check out my first WordPress site here is a link to it. Also, feel free to look at the screen cap of my site that's displayed below.

Screen Cap

Sunday, March 2, 2014

Assignment 14 - E-Mail Newsletter

For this assignment we had to make the type of newsletter that you would find in an email. Designing this one was fun for me. I created my design in Photoshop. Everything (besides a few free brushes that I used) was made from scratch.  Since I usually make cute, or bohemian-like designs I wanted to create something completely different this time. I do not want to be seen as a 1-trick-pony like I'm only capable of one style. The images used in this were both from the last two Photoshop assignments where we had to make zombies/aliens and distressed buildings. These assignments are what truly inspired my newsletter design.

I am very happy with how it looks, but uploading it to the server to turn it in  is VERY confusing for me. I had a lot of trouble doing it--so much that I have to find someone to help me do it tomorrow morning. But anyway, other than that the assignment was enjoyable.

If you want to see the original images you can find my reptilian zombie here, and the distressed building here.

Assignment 13 - Template Web Page

This assignment was very easy.  All we had to do was design a webpage based off of  of a template (of our choice) that we downloaded. I decided to make mine about my schoolwork. I have used this template before because I really like it, but I decided to add extra content, and change out a few things to make it new and different for this assignment. To me, using a template is the quickest and easiest was to design a webpage. Below is a screen cap of the main page.

Monday, February 24, 2014

Assignment 12 - Image Slice Web Page

We had to create a sliced webpage using Photoshop and Dreamweaver. It was my first time making such a webpage, and I have to say I do not prefer this method. Once all the pieces were uploaded (in design mode) my page looked odd. Everything was sitting to the right, and not in the center. Thankfully in live mode everything looked the way it was supposed to. It was also difficult positioning my div tag that held my pictures. I had to be very particular about the margins and padding. I personally do not see the point of making a webpage this way, and I'm not going to do it again unless I have to.

Here is the mock-up.

By the way--I made every single texture from scratch myself. The typewriters/ scissors in the background were part of a free brush set that I found. Some of the other symbols used came with Photoshop. (Just in case you guys were wondering).